0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:03:32You Can Count on Adrienne
This week Adrienne interviews Susan Gerbic ftom Guerrilla Skeptics on Wikipedia. Susan, together with a host of other sceptics, as soon to head to Melbourne for the Australian Skeptics National Convention. Find out what Susan will be talking about in Melbourne and how you can meet this inspirational, skeptical activist.
We join the Center for Inquiry Investigations Group as they test a claim of being sble to move clouds with paranormal powers. Incudes commentary by Kenny Biddle, Chief Investigator for the CENTER FOR INQUIRY.
Maynard's Spooky Action... Maynard interviews Dr Rob Morrison about 'The Curiosity Show', an Australian educational children's television show produced from 1972 to 1990. Find out how the show started, some of the adventures along the way and how you and your children can now enjoy this landmark of Australian TV - A Week in Science - Don't get fooled at the Track. From the Scamwatch web site, advice about not getting taken for a ride at the racing track - Sydney Skeptics in the Pub. The question this week... If you could go to Mars but not come back.. would you?