0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:02:58CSICON 2023
We catch up with...
Melanie Trecek-King An Associate Professor of Biology at Massasoit Community College, where she teaches a general-education science course designed to equip students with empowering critical thinking, information literacy, and science literacy skills. Melanie will aslo be appearing at Skepticon, Melbourne.
Ross Blocher An accomplished animation professional who has worked on award-winning films including The Princess and the Frog and The Simpsons Movie. He is also a co-host of Oh No, Ross and Carrie!
Science Teachers' Association of New South Wales Inc. Young Scientist Awards. Richard Saunders takes a trip to the city of Wollongong to help present the 2013 Young Scientist Awards - Mind Body Spirit. Join Richard Saunders has he wonders around the maze of newage stalls at Sydney's Mind Body Spirit - A Week in Science - Maynard's Spooky Action... Maynard visits SkeptiCamp Sydney and interviews a wide range of people about all sorts of things. Highlights include a chat with Kate and Robin.