0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:02:50CSICON 2023
A grab bag of interviews and sounds from the meeting in Las Vegas.
Jim Underdown
Dr Angie Mattke
Adrienne Hill
Celestia Ward
0:11:14Skepticon 2023 Interview
Stephen Bavaro joins us to talk about his upcoming appearance at the Australian Skeptics National Convention. The story of Atlantis! See a preview at this talk at Sydney Skeptics in the pub, November 2nd.
A chat with Gunnar Roland Tjomlid. 'Placebo Defekten' is a new book from this Norwegian author - A Week in Science - The Think Tank. In the Think Tank this week are Eran Segev, Joanne and Marcos Benhamu, Dr Rachael Dunlop, Richard Saunders and Margaret-Ann Tait.