0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:04:40Where are the Aliens?
A look at the social media reaction to the congressional subcommittee of June 26th to hear testimony from several military officers who allege the government is concealing evidence of UFOs. We discover many people now wrongly think that the US government has admitted to having real alien space ships in their possession.
Nate Eggins' mission is to encourage interest in science, promote critical thinking and offer new perspectives on the world through fun catchy music flavoured with his quirky sense of humour.
Dr Rachie Reports - With Dr Rachael Dunlop. Antivax chiros and accountability as evasive as a subluxation - ANDINSCIENCE Campaign. We find out about the effort to get more science into the media - A Week in Science - Extra. Dr Paul Willis from the Royal Institution of Australia - A chat with Radford and Dunning. Be a fly on the wall as Richard Saunders talks with Ben Radford and Brian Dunning - Maynard interviews Marlowe Cassetti about the early days of NASA