0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:02:32You Can Count on Adrienne
Interview with Courtney Heard
Courtney Heard is the host of the Q-Dropped Podcast, featuring stories of relationships torn apart by QAnon. She has been an active and outspoken member of the online atheist community since 2014, when she launched her blog, www.godlessmom.com.
Born and raised secular in British Columbia, she has never been religious but has found the sudden increase of conspiratorial thinking in the mainstream discourse unsettling. She has dedicated much of her free time to telling the stories of people who have lost a loved one to QAnon because her own parents have been lost down the same rabbit hole.
Susan Gerbic chats to Greg Roe from the Santa Cruz County Skeptics, a group for science enthusiasts, critical thinkers, and skeptics in Santa Cruz County, California. They socialize, promote science and critical thinking in their community, host talks, and more.
A chat with Canberra Skeptics - A Week in Science - The Think Tank. Once again we head to our club at the end of the street to talk about issues of the day. Joining us this week are Joanne Benhamu, Dr Rachie and Eran Segev.