0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:04:10You Can Count on Adrienne. With Adrienne Hill
Skeptical Workshops Online
Susan Gerbic tells Adrienne of two-hour interactive workshops held over Zoom. These workshops use case studies to practice interactions with people to have more respectful and productive conversations about odd things. The main goal is to become the person that people come to when they have questions about weird things. There are a series of workshop topics that can be customized for your group.
We catch up with Dr Siobhan O'Sullivan for an update on her journey with ovarian cancer.
Siobhan O'Sullivan is an Australian political scientist and political theorist who is currently an associate professor in the School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales. Her research has focused, among other things, on animal welfare policy and the welfare state.
Penny Chan and Hong Kong. Did she discover any 'Woo'? - AN HONEST LIAR - The Amazing Randi Story - Maynard's Spooky Action.. A chat with Ben Newsome, Director of the science outreach program, Fizzics Education - Science shows & educational products with real WOW factor! - Maynard at Skeptics in the Pub. And the big question this month is... "What do you think intuition is?"