0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:03:23Dr Siobhan O'Sullivan
Around 1,500 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year in Australia. Often, ovarian cancer feels like nothing. For that reason, most women are diagnosed when they are Stage III or IV. Siobhan tells us her story with this cancer and her advice for women. (With the help of Mr. Tom Toms the cat.)
Siobhan O'Sullivan is an Australian political scientist and political theorist. Her research has focused, among other things, on animal welfare policy and the welfare state. She is the author of Animals, Equality and Democracy (2011, Palgrave Macmillan) and a coauthor of Getting Welfare to Work (2015, Oxford University Press). She co-edited Contracting-out Welfare Services (2015, Wiley) and The Political Turn in Animal Ethics (2016, Rowman & Littlefield International). She founded a regular podcast entitled Knowing Animals.
Dr Brad McKay is an Australian science communicator, TV host and GP at his clinic in Sydney. He is an experienced broadcaster, interviewer and public commentator, appearing regularly on TV and radio, including as a host of ABC's Catalyst and a regular commentator on The Today Show, and presenting several medical podcasts for health professionals. He is also on the editorial board for The Medical Republic magazine and a committee member of Australian Skeptics Inc.
A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for reports on Harry Houdini.
On March 18, 1910, he made three flights at Diggers Rest, Victoria, near Melbourne. It was reported at the time that this was the first aerial flight in Australia, although this is contested. Nevertheless he is at least among the first people to fly in Australia.