0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:03:20Society of Homeopaths in Hot Water
From 'The Good Thinking Society'. Professional Standards Authority suspends the Society of Homeopaths (UK). The Professional Standards Authority (PSA) announced it had suspended the accreditation of the Society of Homeopaths (SoH). - Read by Lara Benham
This is when someone gives irrelevant information in an attempt to distract you from a topic at hand, often to avoid a question or shift the discussion in a new direction.
A Logical Fallacy is an error we can make in reasoning, but it usually crops up when we are discussing or arguing our point of view. 0:16:00Typewriter Time - Dialup Astrology
We discover that Richard Saunders and Maynard have started a new age Astrology service. What advice can they offer Annika Harrison from the European Skeptics Podcast? 0:25:07Australian Skeptics Newsletter
What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week?