Hardship can bring us to a crossroads: will this be the end, or a new beginning?
Some thoughts on how to change our brain to learn to see new possibility in seemingly impossible situations.
Scripture: Psalm 121
Music: Kari Jobe
(Music shared on The Dr. Lee Warren Podcast is authorized under BMI license #61063253 and ASCAP license #400010513 )
Book: Eugene Peterson
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"Impossible things God makes possible" list:
Whistles Zechariah 10:8, Isaiah 5:26, Isaiah 7:18 (FLIES, BEES, AND PEOPLE)Roars Hosea 11:10Gets up Isaiah 30:18Roams the earth 2 Chronicles 16:9Sees the end from the beginning (not surprised) Isaiah 46:10Finishes what He starts/Ends it like he says he will/Calls his shots Isaiah 46:11Floats axe heads 2 Kings 6:1-7Sends bears 2 Kings 2:23-25Calls for birds and leaders Isaiah 46:11Parts waters Genesis 1:6 (Beginning), Exodus 14 (Red Sea), Joshua 4:10 (Jordan), 2 Kings 2:8 (Elijah), 2 Kings 2:13-14 (Elisha)Knocks down walls Joshua 6Moves the sun Joshua 10:12-14Raises up dry bones Dry bones in Ezekiel 37Sends angels Daniel 10Coins in fish Matthew 17:24-27Fish to Swallow Prophet Jonah 1-2Manna and Quail Exodus 16Water from a rock Exodus 17Loaves and fishes Mark 6:30-44Makes wine John 2Oil that doesn't run out I Kings 17:7-16Raises the dead Luke 7:11–17, Luke 8:49–56, : John 11:1-44Calms storms Matthew 8Walks on Water Matthew 14Heals disease and disability John 5Heals ears Luke 22Eats His Homework? John 4:34 ("My food is to the work my Father gave me.")And if that's not enough- he will lay down his life for you: Romans 5:8And didn't stay dead: I Cor. 15, Colossians 2And he's praying for you! John 17
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(00:01) - Introduction
(02:08) - Are You Ready to Change Your Life?
(03:05) - Monuments and Footprints Revisited
(11:12) - Struggling in Silence
(16:48) - A Monument vs. Footprints
(21:18) - A Monument to Happiness
(25:21) - The God of Impossible Things
(28:43) - Crossroads of Decision
(31:11) - It's Your Nature
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When It Feels Impossible (Theology Thursday) | The Self-Brain Surgery™ Podcast with Dr. Lee Warren - Listen or read transcript on Metacast