// R E A D Y • S E T • R E S E T
This episode is all about the astounding effects and applications of essential oils.
Gavin and his amazing wife are the parents of four energetic children. They started their journey with essential oils in 2009 when Gavin was diagnosed with a rare, life-threatening liver disease Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis or PSC.
As he began to use essential oils, his health improved. He eventually became the highest functioning patient experiencing this disease at the University of Utah hospital. Since this time, he has made essential oils both a study and his life.
He has traveled and mentored with some of the most powerful essential oil experts in the industry. He has worked around and with the largest essential oil companies in the world. In 2019 he was asked by Nature’s Fusions to come on board to be the Director of Training and Education.
In this podcast, we cover:
// R E S O U R C E S M E N T I O N E D
// M O R E O N G A V I N P O U L T O N
// F O L L O W
Please note the following medical disclaimer: By listening to this podcast you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition.