For our fourth episode this season, we will focus on the second of five strategic goals in The POGIL Project’s Strategic Plan, which deals with the creation of High-Quality POGIL Activities.
Today, Co-host Wayne Pearson (who is a retired chemistry professor from the U.S. Naval Academy) will interview three panelists who work closely with both The Project’s endorsement process and its POGIL Activity Clearinghouse.
Caryl Fish, Professor and Chair of the Interdisciplinary Science department at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, PA; Shawn Simonson, Professor and Director of the Human Performance Laboratory in the Department of Kinesiology at Boise State University and editor of the book POGIL: An Introduction to Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning for Those Who Wish to Empower Learners and Melissa Reeves, an associate professor of chemistry at Tuskegee University where she specializes in physical chemistry and computational chemistry. Enjoy the conversation!