Today Brad and I talk about another big myth that blocks a lot of people from recovery... The belief that their trauma is different (not as bad or worse than others) and therefore can't heal.
This is an especially tricky one because if you think your trauma is not as bad as someone else's you could be telling yourself...
"WOW what I went through wasn't nearly as bad as that person's, I don't really have anything to complain about..."
And if you think like this you're not going to do the things you need to do to heal. You'll likely just think that you need to "get over it", stop complaining, and move on with life.
And if you think that your trauma is worse than someone else's trauma you could be telling yourself...
"Yeah, well you could heal, but what I went through was MUCH worse than what you went through..."
And again you would prevent yourself from healing because you'll think that you are too broken to heal. So in this episode Brad and I break this harmful belief for you and give you some incredible steps to move forward without this negative internal talk!
Hope you enjoy the episode! Kayleen
Here's the link to the free PTSD recovery training we promised -
In it I give you the step by step process on how to actually break these limiting beliefs. And breaking these beliefs a vital to your recovery and could be the reason why you haven't fully recovered yet.