In Episode 30, Quinn & Brian ask: what’s the business incentive for climate/clean energy action?
In light of the Paris Agreement and all the bullshit that’s gone down since, we drafted Will Hackman to be our guest and explain it all. Will’s been a campaign manager for the House and Senate, he’s worked as a marine fisheries conservation advocate, he represented Georgetown University at the UN climate change conference, and he’s an author on various energy, environmental, and climate change topics. He’s also leaving immediately after this call to go to Alaska and potentially never come back.
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Will Hackman on Instagram
Will on Medium
US leading on carbon reduction
The Paris Agreement
Bank of America and Wells Fargo climate funding
McDonald’s reducing emissions
America’s Pledge
We Are Still In
ITC tax credit
Most effective steps to tackle climate change as an individual
Quinn Emmett on Twitter
Brian Colbert Kennedy on Twitter
Intro/outro by Tim Blane
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Ok that’s enough good lord