Episode 276 - CO-HOST - Jake Clendenning - Your Podcast Is Not About You, The Win Triangle, Celebrate Small and Dream Big
About Me
I am a self built millionaire. I come from very humble roots where my parents worked tirelessly and endlessly to put food on the table. My dad used to tell me his job was to open as many doors for me as possible and it was my job to walk through them and create my own freedom. That has been my guiding star and I still use it heavily in my coaching practice and in my faith.
I have failed, rebuilt, failed again and risen and failed again just to rise again stronger and wiser. I have been a builder and developer, a professional real estate agent, a CEO, an executive business coach, a business owner, a creator, a father a husband and continue to open doors for my clients and family so they can walk through them. I have created a life of freedom that many believe impossible.
My working hours do not match my income and there are jokes that I just must be selling drugs to make the kind of life I live. I made the decision to live a big life and to do great things and do them well.
My passion for the natural world and conservation of wildlife drives me to do outside stuff and things that are who I am at the core.
My big why is; To live free such that my actions inspire others.
My mission is to: Guide leaders to abundance and opportunity for themselves and those they influence.
My mission rolls my core values into my business which passes along to all those I seek to empower to live as they believe they are meant to. https://www.facebook.com/cyberbackercoloradowyoming/ https://www.facebook.com/jake.clendenning.5 ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast https://calendly.com/truemediasolutions/free-podcast-consult-for-how-to-podcast-listeners ___ https://howtopodcast.ca/