Episode description
Episode 239 - 3 Questions For A New Podcaster - Why Are You Thinking of Starting A Podcast
So, why are you thinking of doing a podcast? Here's an exercise for you to consider
Please answer these three questions about your podcast plans:
(1) How much time do you have to devote to your podcast?
If time is your smallest slice of your pie, maybe you can try publishing shorter epsiodes or less frequent episodes, maybe you can partner with a co-host and share responsibilites and the time requied to create and maintain your podcast
(2) How much money do you have to devote to your podcast?
If money is your smallest slice of your pie, having a co-host could mean splitting costs, you could use a crowdfunding tool like BuyMeACoffee.com to raise capital funds to run your show - there are ways to make your money slice of your pie bigger!
(3) How much passion do you have to do this podcast?
Why should you or your listener care about your podcast? Do you love your subject? Doing something that you are by no means passionate about is not sustainable - at all! Identify what your passions are - these are the things that will drive you!
If you are not clear on your investment of time, money and passion your audience will pick up on this!
Need help developing time, money and passion for your podcast? Use the calendar link on my site and let's discuss how you move forward with your podcast!
We got you!