Let's continue our deep dive into the pros and cons of instructional design. Today's episode covers the cons! Transcript 📙 My Book 🤝 Collaborating and Building Relationships with Subject Matter Experts ✍ Backwards Design Course 👥 Join our Group Connect with me: 👨💼 LinkedIn 🐦 Twitter 👨💻 Blog 🦉 Try Instructional Design Institute for Free 🙌 Support the Channel! Check out the new book The Do It Messy Approach, A Step By Step Guide for Instructional Designers and Online Learning Developer...
Sep 29, 2022•23 min•Ep 61•Transcript available on Metacast Let's do a deep dive into the pros, the cons, and the in-betweens when it comes to instructional design. This first episode covers the pros! Youtube video that goes with this ep. 📙 My Book 🤝 Collaborating and Building Relationships with Subject Matter Experts ✍ Backwards Design Course 👥 Join our Group Connect with me: 👨💼 LinkedIn 🐦 Twitter 👨💻 Blog 🦉 Try Instructional Design Institute for Free 🙌 Support the Channel! Check out the new book The Do It Messy Approach, A Step By Step Guide...
Sep 15, 2022•28 min•Ep 60•Transcript available on Metacast Should you leave higher education for another sector to feel more fulfilled? What other roles exist in L&D besides instructional design? How do you guide your confused subject matter experts? The best part of producing content has been to connect with you, learning nerd nation. And many of you write to me on LinkedIn or email about some fantastic instructional design related questions. They are so fantastic, that I want other learning nerds to hear them so I thought it would make more sense to c...
Sep 01, 2022•30 min•Ep 59•Transcript available on Metacast As the instructional design field grows, so does the confusion around what "instructional design" actually means. Today, I'll talk about the current trends, job postings, the essence of instructional design, and what you should be thinking about with your future. YouTube video Show Links: Learning Nerd Nation 📙 My Book 🤝 Collaborating and Building Relationships with Subject Matter Experts ✍ Backwards Design Course 👥 Join our Group Connect with me: 👨💼 LinkedIn 🐦 Twitter 👨💻 Blog 🦉 Try I...
Aug 18, 2022•23 min•Ep 58•Transcript available on Metacast On today’s episode, we are joined by Christy Tucker! We talk about all things related to freelance: knowing when to start, time tracking, finding clients, creating an LLC, pricing accordingly, making sure it’s the right fit, and much more! Mentioned Links: Christy’s Website Syniad Learning Branching Scenario Course Freelancer Bootcamp Time Tracking Template Consulting Basics Online Network of Independent Learning Professionals LinkedIn Twitter Transcript Show Links: Learning Nerd Nation 📙 My Bo...
Aug 04, 2022•56 min•Ep 57•Transcript available on Metacast Is online learning right for you? Let's break down some pros and cons to help you learn more. Mentioned Links: Learning Nerd Nation 📙 My Book 🤝 Collaborating and Building Relationships with Subject Matter Experts ✍ Backwards Design Course 👥 Join our Group Connect with me: 👨💼 LinkedIn 🐦 Twitter 👨💻 Blog 🦉 Try Instructional Design Institute for Free 🤝 Collaborating and Building Relationships with Subject Matter Experts 🙌 Support the Channel! Check out the new book The Do It Messy Appro...
Jul 21, 2022•24 min•Ep 56•Transcript available on Metacast Over the years, a few pieces of advice have drastically changed my instructional design career. In today's blog and podcast episode, I covered the ones that truly helped. Mentioned Links: 💻 Blog Post 📙 My Book 🤝 Collaborating and Building Relationships with Subject Matter Experts ✍ Backwards Design Course 👥 Join our Group Connect with me: 👨💼 LinkedIn 🐦 Twitter 👨💻 Blog 🦉 Try Instructional Design Institute for Free 🤝 Collaborating and Building Relationships with Subject Matter Experts...
Jul 07, 2022•24 min•Ep 55•Transcript available on Metacast My 5 best tips on how to not give up on the instructional design job search Mentioned Links: 📙 My Book ✍ Backwards Design Course 👥 Join our Group 🎥 YouTube Video Connect with me: 👨💼 LinkedIn 🐦 Twitter 👨💻 Blog 🦉 Try Instructional Design Institute for Free 🤝 Collaborating and Building Relationships with Subject Matter Experts 🙌 Support the Channel! Check out the new book The Do It Messy Approach, A Step By Step Guide for Instructional Designers and Online Learning Developers Check out...
Jun 23, 2022•18 min•Ep 54•Transcript available on Metacast Today's episode is crash course on what I wish I knew before becoming an instructional designer! Link to the Presentation: YouTube Video Connect with me: 👨💼 LinkedIn 🐦 Twitter 👥 Join our Group 👨💻 Blog 📙 My Book ✍ Backwards Design Course 🦉 Try Instructional Design Institute for Free 🤝 Collaborating and Building Relationships with Subject Matter Experts 🙌 Support the Channel! Check out the new book The Do It Messy Approach, A Step By Step Guide for Instructional Designers and Online Le...
Jun 09, 2022•1 hr 11 min•Ep 53•Transcript available on Metacast You need the experience to get the job, but you need the job to get the experience... Right? I'll share with you my best tip on gaining ID experience right away. Mentioned Link: YouTube Video Saeide and Eric's Episode. Connect with me: 👨💼 LinkedIn 🐦 Twitter 👥 Join our Group 👨💻 Blog 📙 My Book ✍ Backwards Design Course 🦉 Try Instructional Design Institute for Free 🤝 Collaborating and Building Relationships with Subject Matter Experts 🙌 Support the Channel! Check out the new book The Do...
May 26, 2022•28 min•Ep 52•Transcript available on Metacast This episode was actually a request from many of the listeners! You asked if I could take you behind the scenes and give you an inside look at what the working relationship is like between an instructional designer and their SME. So, we made it happening! Joining us today is Saeide Mirzaei, serving as the instructional designer, and Dr. Eric James Stephens, serving as the subject matter expert. Together, they’ve begun creating courses on how to use LinkedIn effectively. Mentioned Links: Connect ...
May 11, 2022•58 min•Ep 51•Transcript available on Metacast On today's podcast, I break down my biggest mistakes and how they helped me to grow as an instructional designer. 🎥 Link to the YouTube Video . Transcript Connect with me: 👨💼 LinkedIn 🐦 Twitter 👥 Join our Group 👨💻 Blog 📙 My Book ✍ Backwards Design Course 🦉 Try Instructional Design Institute for Free 🤝 Collaborating and Building Relationships with Subject Matter Experts 🙌 Support the Channel! Check out IDOL Courses Academy Check out Eduflow Check out SquadCast...
Apr 27, 2022•26 min•Ep 50•Transcript available on Metacast Today's episode is focused on andragogy and thinking about adult learners. I share what I've learned from taking online courses, designing them, and teaching them! Mentioned Links: Blog that follows podcast SME Course What is adult learning theory? To learn more about myself and show: Join our FB Group Follow me on LinkedIn Follow me on Twitter Follow me on FaceBook Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Read my Blog Join the Mailing List Need a new learning platform? Check out Eduflow. Thinking of cor...
Apr 13, 2022•29 min•Ep 49•Transcript available on Metacast What does the day in the life look like for a learning experience designer? On today's episode, we are joined by Shreya Gupta. She's an LXD at Amazon and she breaks down for us what we need to know about this field and how to apply for an LXD role. Connect with Shreya: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shreyagupta93/ Figment of Imagination with Shreya (Blog): https://figmentofimaginationwithshreya.wordpress.com/ The Write-Ups: https://m.facebook.com/TheWriteUps/ Mentioned Resources: iDTX 202...
Mar 31, 2022•46 min•Ep 48•Transcript available on Metacast Entrepreneurship and education go hand-in-hand. So many of you have mentioned that you are pursuing your own opportunities and that you are looking for some tips and strategies to follow. Joining us today is someone I turn to for guidance on entrepreneurship, Dr. Barbi Honeycutt. We talk about: Finding your people Getting around the “icky/slimy” feeling of selling Letting go of your projects to focus on other areas When to hire help Listening to your audience Starting a new idea Taking your firs...
Mar 16, 2022•58 min•Ep 47•Transcript available on Metacast What if we could make the online learning experience more flexible for adult students? On today's episode, I'm going to share an idea on how to make learning paths and change the difficulty levels in online courses. Read the blog post for this episode. Buy the new book on Amazon or buy the ebook version . Sign up for the new course on working with subject matter experts (SMEs) To learn more about myself and show: Join our FB Group Follow me on LinkedIn Follow me on Twitter Follow me on FaceBook ...
Mar 02, 2022•26 min•Ep 46•Transcript available on Metacast I love being an instructional designer, but at the end of the day, it's still a job. Just like with any other career, there are good days and bad days. If you are thinking about making the switch to instructional design, I want you to hear the realistic side with the pros and the cons. I'm also going to throw in an "in between" stage because I don't know what to call them. By the end of this episode, you'll be more prepared to enter the field. Read the blog post for this episode. Buy the new boo...
Feb 16, 2022•32 min•Ep 45•Transcript available on Metacast Lately, my feed has been filled with countless posts about the disappointing and disheartening process of applying and interviewing for instructional design roles. All of your stories remind me of myself and how I was turned down from so many ID opportunities. To try and help you along your ID journey, here is what I wish I knew before applying for instructional design roles. Mentioned Links: Blog Post Glassdoor Video for Teachers to Transition to ID Common Interview Questions Spacing Effect Don...
Feb 02, 2022•32 min•Ep 44•Transcript available on Metacast On today’s episode, we are joined by Peter Shea, the Creator and Chief Admin of Instructional Designers in Education. This 14K member online learning community is an incredible place for learning about instructional design. Pete is going to take us through his origin story, where the idea came from, how the group has evolved, and lessons for you if you are interested in starting your own group. Mentioned Links Connect with Peter on LinkedIn Instructional Designers in Education The Future of Onli...
Jan 19, 2022•1 hr 1 min•Ep 43•Transcript available on Metacast What is it about New Year’s resolutions that make them so difficult? You hear all the time about people accomplishing their goals from finding a new job, landing a promotion, buying a house, but actually hearing about a New Year’s resolution accomplishment is far and few between. Well, why? It’s because people aren’t comfortable with change. But you know who is? Instructional designers. On today’s episode, I’ll share with you my story on how I used learning to crush my New Year’s resolution. Men...
Jan 05, 2022•32 min•Ep 42•Transcript available on Metacast 2021 was an incredible year for instructional designers. To give back, I'm answering your questions on anything about instructional design. 1:12 Cautions on Immersive Experiences and the Metaverse 6:24 Negotiating with Deans 12:16 Getting SMEs to Submit Work 19:00 Podcasting 20:00 Free-lance or Full-time L&D Developer? 23:26 Pandemic and ID. Flipping an In-Person Course Online. 34:36 Everything About Doctorates 42:36 My Goals, Plans, Success, and Recommendations Course Sign Up Page Eduflow - Lea...
Dec 22, 2021•55 min•Ep 41•Transcript available on Metacast How do you get your SMEs to buy into an idea? One method is to provide a demo of the final product. This podcast episode is a sneak peak of the new course, Collaborating and Building Relationships with SMEs. Course Sign Up Page Eduflow - Learning Platform Buy the new book on Amazon or buy the ebook version . To learn more about myself and show: Join our FB Group Follow me on LinkedIn Follow me on Twitter Follow me on FaceBook Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Read my Blog Join the Mailing List Nee...
Dec 07, 2021•28 min•Ep 40•Transcript available on Metacast Everyone makes mistakes and I've certainly made quite a few as an instructional designer! On today's episode, I'll share with you my 3 biggest mistakes and what I learned from them. Blog that goes with this episode . Check out the new Collaborating and Building Relationships with SMEs Course Buy the new book on Amazon or buy the ebook version . To learn more about myself and show: Join our FB Group Follow me on LinkedIn Follow me on Twitter Follow me on FaceBook Subscribe to my YouTube Channel R...
Nov 23, 2021•21 min•Ep 39•Transcript available on Metacast Do you ever feel disillusioned with L&D? Are you passionate about instructional design, but worry that spark you once had is fading? In today's show, Ant Pugh shares how he lost his way, details the changes he made, and reveals why he currently enjoys his work more than ever. Connect with Ant: Ant’s Website Ant’s Daily Newsletter Mentioned Resources on Today's Show: Map It by Cathy Moore How People Learn by Shackleton-Jones Notion Life Operating System Jonathan Stark Check out the new Collaborat...
Nov 09, 2021•1 hr 7 min•Ep 38•Transcript available on Metacast Is instructional design a form of art? I think so! On today's episode, I'll tell you about my recent epiphany on this matter. Check out the blog for this episode . Buy the new book on Amazon or buy the ebook version . To learn more about myself and show: Join our FB Group Follow me on LinkedIn Follow me on Twitter Follow me on FaceBook Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Read my Blog Join the Mailing List Need a new learning platform? Check out Eduflow. Thinking of corporate instructional design? Ch...
Oct 26, 2021•12 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast Today’s episode is a special one because we have an amazing guest who is going to be talking about two relevant topics in instructional design land. The first is Camtasia. It’s the signature video editing tool that instructional designers use and that employers are looking for. We talk all about how to develop your skills with this tool and how to impress potential employers. Our second topic is voice acting. I have seen so many postings about voiceover work lately in the instructional design co...
Oct 05, 2021•57 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast The new ebook is out! It's called, "What I Wish I Knew Before Becoming an Instructional Designer." One thing I wasn’t expecting with this book release was how many of you would reach out to me about your dreams of writing a book. This seems to be a bucket list item for many of you so I figured I'll share with you my 5 essential tips with how I wrote my book in 6 months without losing my sanity. Buy the Ebook Kindle Version Blog Post for this Episode My Designer from Fiverr To learn more about my...
Sep 21, 2021•27 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast As instructional designers, we should be using data to help inform our decisions when it comes the learning experiences of our courses and programs. Data can tell us so much about our students with learning behaviors, learning analytics, and even instructional design principles. How do we interpret this data though? One compelling case is to use Educational Data Mining (EDM). Joining us today is Smruti Sudarshan, an eLearning Training Specialist atLinkedIn, and she'll guide us through everything...
Sep 07, 2021•59 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast Get ready for the future! On today's episode, I share 5 ideas on where I think instructional design is moving towards. Some of them have been implemented in the courses I teach, and others in the courses I design. The best part of all is that you can replicate any of these ideas into your courses right now. Mentioned Links: Check out Eduflow for your learning platform needs. Use the code DRLUKEHOBSON to save 10% on your subscription. Backwards Design Course Instructional Design Institute How to ...
Aug 24, 2021•39 min•Ep 33•Transcript available on Metacast “What does an instructional designer actually do?” A quick Google search will pop up some amazing videos, podcasts, and blogs about a day in the life of an instructional designer from a corporate perspective or a freelance perspective. I didn’t see the same types of results though for higher education, and I have an educated guess as to why: it’s ridiculously hard to describe the typical day. In today’s episode, I break down a day in the life of an instructional designer at MIT and share a few t...
Aug 10, 2021•31 min•Ep 32•Transcript available on Metacast