The new ebook is out! It's called, "What I Wish I Knew Before Becoming an Instructional Designer." One thing I wasn’t expecting with this book release was how many of you would reach out to me about your dreams of writing a book. This seems to be a bucket list item for many of you so I figured I'll share with you my 5 essential tips with how I wrote my book in 6 months without losing my sanity.
To learn more about myself and show:
Thinking of corporate instructional design? Check out IDOL Courses Academy
Want to take your higher education instructional design skills to the next level? Check out Instructional Design Institute.
Thinking about making your own online courses / creating your own business? Check out Kajabi.
Recording a podcast or conducting interviews online? Check out SquadCast.
***My YouTube / Podcast Set Up***
*Book Recommendations*