Do you ever feel disillusioned with L&D? Are you passionate about instructional design, but worry that spark you once had is fading? In today's show, Ant Pugh shares how he lost his way, details the changes he made, and reveals why he currently enjoys his work more than ever.
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Mentioned Resources on Today's Show:
Check out the new Collaborating and Building Relationships with SMEs Course
Buy the new book on Amazon or buy the ebook version.
To learn more about myself and show:
Need a new learning platform? Check out Eduflow.
Thinking of corporate instructional design? Check out IDOL Courses Academy
Want to take your higher education instructional design skills to the next level? Check out Instructional Design Institute.
Thinking about making your own online courses / creating your own business? Check out Kajabi.
Recording a podcast or conducting interviews online? Check out SquadCast.