Why Does Anyone Care?
You’re going to feel bad that you were so hard on them. Love them. Support them. Accept them. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
You’re going to feel bad that you were so hard on them. Love them. Support them. Accept them. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Just like the saying goes: you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. In the same way, you only receive the help that you ask for. 📚 Grab a copy of The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy 🎙️Listen to Charlie Mackesy’s episode on the Daily Stoic | Apple Podcasts & Spotify 💤 Beam’s Dream is clinically shown to improve sleep! | Go to https://shopbeam.com/DAILYDAD and use code DAILYDAD to shop our exclusive discount and get up to 40% off ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: Dai...
Reminder to all parents: stick to the facts and stop catastrophizing. It's a universal problem parents have had throughout history, Marcus Aurelius and Abraham Lincoln included. Pause, take a step back, and see things as they are without anxiety clouding your perspective. 📓 Grab your own leather bound signed edition of The Daily Stoic! Check it out at the Daily Stoic Store: https://store.dailystoic.com/ 💪 Go to livemomentous.com to get up to 32% off your first subscription order or get 15% off...
Of course, sometimes we have to cut family time short. But most of the time? It’s not necessity that motivates us. 🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store: https://store.dailydad.com/ 🪙 Designed with the intention of carrying them in your pocket, our Memento Mori Medallion is a literal and inescapable reminder that “you could leave life right now.” Check it out at https://store.dailystoic.com/ ✉️ Sign up for the Dail...
By being disciplined and protective of your personal life, you are being protective and dedicated to your professional life. 🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store: https://store.dailydad.com/ 📕 Discipline is Destiny by Ryan Holiday ☕ TRADE Coffee | Get your first bag free when you subscribe! Visit drinktrade.com/DAILYDAD 🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and To...
If someone was to put together a ‘greatest hits’ from you, what do you think would show up? 💪 Go to livemomentous.com to get up to 32% off your first subscription order or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15 ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
We don’t like it when people tell us the point, we like it when they show us. 📚 Looking for stories to teach your kids about Stoicism? Check out Ryan Holiday’s books: The Boy Who Would Be King and The Girl Who Would Be Free: A Fable About Epictetus ☕ TRADE Coffee | Get your first bag free when you subscribe! Visit drinktrade.com/DAILYDAD 🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at ryanholiday.net/tour ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email...
We have to want them to be themselves. We want them to be brave enough to be themselves. 📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids : store.dailydad.com ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Two kids mean two different personalities, which also means two different parenting styles. Ryan and Sam talk about how they've had to tailor their parenting to their kids' personalities, parts of themselves they see reflected in their kids, and memories of growing up as an extrovert and an introvert. 📚 Pick up a copy of Supercommunicators by Charles Duhigg at The Painted Porch: https://www.thepaintedporch.com/ ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Inst...
Eighteen years. That’s 72 seasons. It might seem like a lot, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s not. 🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store: https://store.dailydad.com/ 🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at ryanholiday.net/tour 🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: TWC.health/dailydad Use promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off! ✉️ Sign up for t...
None of us know how much time we have. None of us know when the last time will be. Don’t rush through this wonderful time. 💪 Go to livemomentous.com to get up to 32% off your first subscription order or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15 ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Right now, in this moment, you’re not on a plane that’s about to crash. You know that you have the power and capacity to speak your piece. Do it while you still can. 🩺 Get a Medical Emergency Kit for your family: TWC.health/dailydad Use promo code DAILYDAD for 15% off! ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
The end of the world is a terrible thought to consider but also very clarifying. Because it reminds us once again of how silly the distinction of “quality time” really is. In the light of real tragedy, even the most mundane and ordinary things can become meaningful and wonderful. 🎶 Lyrics mentioned are from As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese 🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store: store.dailydad.com/ 💪 Go to liv...
The most important thing we can teach our kids in life is how to deal with frustration. Our lives would be better if someone had taught us better, that’s for sure. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Patrick Dempsey talks to Ryan about a parenting wake-up call he had that motivated him to do the work around healing his inner child. Patrick Dempsey is an actor, race car driver, and founder of the Dempsey Center. He is most known from his role as Derek "McDreamy" Shepherd from the series Grey’s Anatomy. Patrick has also starred in Enchanted , Sweet Home Alabama , Transformers: Dark of the Moon , Made of Honor, The Art of Racing in the Rain , Ferrari , and more. 🎙️ Listen to Patrick Dempsey’s ...
The thing you say you want, the connection you crave. It’s there. Just not always when you want it…or how you want it. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
You don’t need to understand it. You need to encourage them. You need to be behind them as they discover who they are. 📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids : store.dailydad.com ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
What do you think your kids hear most from you? Is it words of affection and kindness and encouragement? Or is it those phrases we find ourselves repeating like broken records? This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp | https://betterhelp.com/dailydad ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
They’re not doing this to you on purpose. Please be kind. Be patient. Be accommodating. With them…but most of all with yourself. 📚 Grab a copy of Sorrow and Bliss by Meg Mason | https://www.thepaintedporch.com/ ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Be present. Appreciate the moment. Stop checking your watch. 🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store: https://store.dailydad.com/ This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp | https://betterhelp.com/dailydad ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Last year, Ryan was interviewed by Gary Vee about The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids. Today, you'll hear an excerpt from that interview on how to successfully instill discipline in kids. Gary Vee is a serial entrepreneur, Chairman of VaynerX, the CEO of VaynerMedia, and the Creator and CEO of VeeFriends. His latest project is a children's book, Meet Me in the Middle: A VeeFriends Book ! 📓 Pick up a signed edition of The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parent...
We have to believe in our kids. To be their fan. Why would they be brave enough to put themselves out there, to try new things, if their own parents aren’t even backing them up when it matters most? 💤 Beam’s Dream is clinically shown to improve sleep! | Go to https://shopbeam.com/DAILYDAD and use code DAILYDAD to shop our exclusive discount and get up to 40% off ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Have you tried taking your own temperature? Don’t blame them. Check yourself first. Take care of yourself first. ☕ TRADE Coffee | Get your first bag free when you subscribe! Visit drinktrade.com/DAILYDAD 🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at ryanholiday.net/tour ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
They expect our protection. Nothing is more shocking and devastating than when they don’t get this. They won’t remember the context, what will stick with them is who did this. 🗞️ Check out the Daily Dad article on When You Have To Do Better 💤 Beam’s Dream is clinically shown to improve sleep! | Go to https://shopbeam.com/DAILYDAD and use code DAILYDAD to shop our exclusive discount and get up to 40% off 🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, an...
It’s from stories that we learn the timeless lessons of the human experience. It’s from stories that we can give our children an education in the school of life. 📚 Looking for stories to teach your kids about Stoicism? Check out: The Boy Who Would Be King and The Girl Who Would Be Free: A Fable About Epictetus Hiya Health | hiyahealth.com/dailydad ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
After a long and peaceful summer, every family careens into the school year. Enjoy it, because the chaos is wonderful. ☕ TRADE Coffee | Get your first bag free when you subscribe! Visit drinktrade.com/DAILYDAD 🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at ryanholiday.net/tour ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Spending time in the car with your kids is rich with opportunities to create connection, even if it means just listening to their music. Ryan and Sam talk about how they are finding ways to bond with the kids during the commute to school, allowing silence during shared activities, and generational differences when it comes to asking about kids interests. 🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at ryanholiday.net/tour ✉️ Sign up for the...
Parenting is so hard to do alone, so hard . We are stronger when we, our children’s parents, parent together. We go further, together. 📚 Grab a copy of The Baby on the Fire Escape: Creativity, Motherhood, and the Mind-Baby Problem by Julie Phillips | https://www.thepaintedporch.com/ 🎟 Ryan Holiday is going on tour! Grab tickets for London, Rotterdam, Dublin, Vancouver, and Toronto at ryanholiday.net/tour ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram ...
Life has something over us now. We have something to worry over. Something we love more than life itself. 📚 Pick up a copy of Blue Nights by Joan Didion at The Painted Porch: https://www.thepaintedporch.com 🏛 All time can be quality time. Get your own Tempus Fugit Medallion to remind yourself of this at The Daily Dad Store: store.dailydad.com/ 💪 Go to livemomentous.com to get up to 32% off your first subscription order or get 15% off all of my favorite products with the code DAILYDAD15 ✉️ Sig...
What we want is connection, right? So don’t turn it away. Take the hand when it’s offered. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...