What do you think of when you hear the word fitness? Going to the gym? Going for a run? Yoga? For most of us, fitness is something that we do. We block off an hour or two during the day to focus on our physical health. We get our sweat session in, but then what?
On the show this week, we are joined by Aaron Alexander. Aaron is a manual therapist and movement coach, as well as an author (The Align Method), and host of the Align Podcast. Aaron’s message is clear. Fitness is not what you do - it’s who you are.
On today's show we talk about:
Our bodies are under construction 100% of the time.
Chronic pain is a huge issue in the US and other Western nations.
The main differentiator between us and one of the healthiest populations in the world is not in the way we work out, but in the way we rest.
The importance of setting up your work and living environment
Using sleep and nature as weapons
And a lot more. Enjoy!
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