Episode description
In October 2020, I took a vacation on the Isle of Wight.
While there, I was delighted to meet up with local birder (and past guest) Keiron Lee Vine.
Keiron took me to his local patch: Haddon’s Pits. We spent a lovely morning birding, getting spectacular views of a Kestrel and seeing large flocks of finches flying over.
Timestamps & Links:
00:00:00 Opening
00:00:50 Global Bird Weekend
The Casual Birder Podcast has entered a team for the Global Bird Weekend (on 8-10 October 2021) and I'd love you to join us.
There will be exclusive virtual events for members of the Casual Birder Podcast Team
- Casual Birder Podcast Team sign-up: https://bit.ly/cbteam21
- Global Birding site: https://globalbirding.org/
00:03:31 Birding with Keiron
At Haddon’s Pits, Isle of Wight
- https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/ventnor-downs/trails/down-south-luccombe-and-the-landslip-walk
- Keiron’s past episode: https://casualbirder.com/episode68
00:13:23 Fundraising for Birdlife international
- JustGiving page for Team donations: https://bit.ly/teamdonation21
- Past episode on Global Bird Weekend: https://casualbirder.com/episode78
00:14:25 Wrap & Close
I'm grateful to Randy Braun for designing the artwork for the show.
The theme music is Short Sleeved Shirt by The Drones. Thanks to them for letting me use it. Check out their website at https://www.dronesmusic.net/
Don't miss an episode - follow the show!
The Casual Birder Podcast Website https://casualbirder.com/