On May 8th 2021, bird watchers around the world took part in the Global Big Day. This 24-hour event encouraged birders to see as many species as possible within their local area.
The Casual Birder Podcast entered a team to take part in the event. Members of the team had a range of birding experience, from novice to expert, and saw 430 species in locations in Australia, UK & Europe and North America.
Hear about Suzy’s experience of the Big Day where she saw 54 species, visited two RSPB reserves and did a spot of garden bird watching from the bedroom window in the morning.
Website: The Casual Birder Podcast
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Thank you to Randy Braun for designing the artwork for the show.
The theme music is Short Sleeved Shirt by The Drones. Thanks to them for letting me use it. Check out their website at www.dronesmusic.net