Episode description
In episode 95, Suzy shares the sixth of her audio diaries documenting the birds seen in her neighbourhood, from the week of Tuesday 9th to Monday 15th February, 2021.
We also find out what birds listeners were seeing that week.
Time stamps:
00:00:00 Opening
00:00:52 Introduction
00:01:30 Promo
00:02:17 Audio Diary begins
00:21:26 Your sightings
00:24:12 Episode 100 - your help required!
00:24:33 Support the show
Buy me a virtual coffee on Ko-Fi.com
Tell me about your bird sightings
00:25:25 Wrap and Close
Thank you to Randy Braun for designing the artwork for the show.
The theme music is Short Sleeved Shirt by The Drones. Thanks to them for letting me use it. Check out their website