As we progress further down the path of technology and electronic communication, digital marketing is playing a bigger role than ever, so what is it, how does it affect you in today’s world, and what can you do to make sure you’re using it to help you instead of hinder you.
What to Listen For
What makes the present the most disruptive time in human history?
Why is it important to develop relationships first and then work on marketing second?
How do you find alignment with your customer’s values?
What are the three R’s Phillip uses to achieve success in business and politics?
What are most people doing wrong in their branding strategies?
How do you stand out as someone people should pay attention to?
Phillip explains how to improve digital communication and develop rapport using technology
How do you deal with friends who respond poorly to your emotional bids?
Phillip touches on how important vulnerability is in politics
What do you do when someone uses vulnerability to control a conversation?
We now live in a world where everyone has a voice and a platform to be heard from. As a result, there is a considerable amount of noise which means you either have to be loud enough to be heard above the noise or your message must be clear and strong enough that it pierces through the noise to reach your audience.
Rather than being loud and obnoxious in order to grab attention, you can find the proper alignment between your values and your customer’s values, ensure your branding is on point, and place an emphasis on relationship building instead of just forcing people to listen to what you have to say.
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Resources from this Episode
Fire Them Now by Phillip Stutts
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