Episode description
Joseph Calandro Jr, of Applied Value Investing, chats to Tobias Carlisle on the Acquirers Podcast about Joe's new paper, "M&A deal-making: Disney, Marvel and the value of “hidden assets”
Joseph Calandro, Jr., is the Managing Director of a global consulting firm, a Fellow of the Gabelli Center for Global Security Analysis at Fordham University (jtacalandro@yahoo.com), author of Applied Value Investing (NY: McGraw-Hill, 2009) and a contributing editor of Strategy & Leadership.
Joe's paper: Joseph Calandro Jr., (2019) "M&A deal-making: Disney, Marvel and the value of “hidden assets”", Strategy & Leadership, https://doi.org/10.1108/SL-02-2019-0023
Here's a link to the (free) working paper version at the Gabelli Center at Fordham author's page (free): http://www.fordhamgabellicenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Calandro-Marvel-HA_2019_Final.pdf ABOUT THE PODCAST
Hi, I'm Tobias Carlisle. I'm launching a new podcast called The Acquirers Podcast.
The podcast is about finding undervalued stocks, deep value investing, hedge funds, activism, buyouts, and special situations.
We uncover the tactics and strategies for finding good investments, managing risk, dealing with bad luck, and maximizing success.
Website: https://acquirersmultiple.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Greenbackd
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tobycarlisle
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tobias_carlisle
Tobias Carlisle is the founder of The Acquirer’s Multiple®, and Acquirers Funds®.
He is best known as the author of the #1 new release in Amazon’s Business and Finance The Acquirer’s Multiple: How the Billionaire Contrarians of Deep Value Beat the Market, the Amazon best-sellers Deep Value: Why Activists Investors and Other Contrarians Battle for Control of Losing Corporations (2014) (https://amzn.to/2VwvAGF), Quantitative Value: A Practitioner’s Guide to Automating Intelligent Investment and Eliminating Behavioral Errors (2012) (https://amzn.to/2SDDxrN), and Concentrated Investing: Strategies of the World’s Greatest Concentrated Value Investors (2016) (https://amzn.to/2SEEjVn). He has extensive experience in investment management, business valuation, public company corporate governance, and corporate law.
Prior to founding the forerunner to Acquirers Funds in 2010, Tobias was an analyst at an activist hedge fund, general counsel of a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, and a corporate advisory lawyer. As a lawyer specializing in mergers and acquisitions he has advised on transactions across a variety of industries in the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Australia, Singapore, Bermuda, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and Guam. He is a graduate of the University of Queensland in Australia with degrees in Law (2001) and Business (Management) (1999).