Episode description
Dinosaur footprints with Peter Falkingham
Footprints and trackways are an amazing source of data on how dinosaurs moved and what they did. But interpreting these can be a real nightmare since it’s hard to work out the interactions between a moving foot and the actual surface, or work out which species might have made which tracks. At the forefront of solving some of these issues and working out what we can and can’t meaningfully day about dinosaur tracks is Professor Peter Falkingham at Liverpool John Moores University. So today he joins us to talk about chasing birds across mud, literal books made of fossil dinosaur footprints and using X-rays to work out how dinosaurs moved. There’s so much in here and you’ll never walk across a beach again without looking back at your own tracks.
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Pete’s website: peterfalkingham.com
An article based on Pete’s work with a load of videos of his stuff
Pete’s YouTube channel with loads of videos of his projects
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