#882 May 8, 2022
On our latest show: We share some good news about the California Condor; we get some surprising bird facts from the great Ted Floyd; and we learn what makes the Cape May unique among warblers.
On our latest show: We share some good news about the California Condor; we get some surprising bird facts from the great Ted Floyd; and we learn what makes the Cape May unique among warblers.
On Our Latest Show: A bird that gets its name from a cooking pot; a life bird for Mike O’Connor in North Carolina; New Jersey Audubon’s World Series of Birding; and a bird flu update.
On our latest show: Saving seabirds in the Southern Ocean; an Audio Postcard from Idaho; a bird flu update; and hummingbird talk with backyard bird expert Mike O'Connor.
On our latest show (#879 04/17): The Biggest Week in American Birding; Easter Egg history by Mike O’Connor; the “elongated grapefruit” bird; and a mammal-themed Audio Postcard from California.
Today’s show is a favorite from the archives, and features “Slow Birding” with the Bird Diva, Bridget Butler; a bird-filled audio postcard from our Freya McGregor’s Alabama backyard; and Mike O’Connor’s advice on how to increase our birding skills. Hear it here: Talkinbirds.com/archive
On our latest show: Help for Chimney Swifts; tips on nesting material for backyard birds; and the White-throated Sparrow shortens its song.
On Our Latest Show: Spring nest box advice; birds of Ukraine; and saving the Saltmarsh Sparrow.
On Our Latest Show: World Sparrow Day; a bird that was extinct — until it wasn’t; a visit to the Science Corner; and a backyard Buick?
Keeping birds safe in your backyard; the Bat Falcon visits America; and big seeds for little birds — all on our latest show.
On our latest show: A wonderful thing called Nature’s Notebook; the spectacular Icterus galbula; and watching birds migrate by the moon.
On Our Latest Show (#873 02/27): A Most Remarkable Creature — the Striated Caracara; an inspirational — and spectacular — songbird; and a mystery solved by backyard bird expert Mike O’Connor.
On Our Latest Show: Is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker really extinct? Scientist and author Chris Haney shares some thoughts. Also, what really caused those Yellow-headed Blackbirds to plunge to earth in Mexico? And, we meet the “New York Warbler.”
On our latest show: We talk with the director of the great new bird migration film, Wings Over Water, Andrew Young; and we get advice on preparing next boxes for spring from Mike O'Connor.
On our latest show: a low-vision birder’s incredible quest, a Grey Butcherbird Audio Postcard from Australia, and a bird that lays self-cleaning eggs.
On our latest show: A flycatching woodpecker; what lead shot is doing to Bald Eagles; and the Future of Birding.
On Our Latest Show: Million-year-old birdsong; the largest nightjar; and Mike’s Red-cockaded Woodpecker.
On Our latest show: the striking Melanerpes erythrocephalus; a robot that lands like a bird; an Asian finch in California; and the rising cost of bird seed.
On our latest show: A fabulous Florida birding festival; an owl from Australia; an underrated dove; and some good binocular advice.
On our latest show: How the earth’s magnetic field can help lost birds get back on track; the amazing American journey of a Siberian sea eagle; a big hit album — performed by Australian birds; and some ideas for New Year’s birding resolutions.
On Our Latest Show: Gannets on parade; vegetarian options for your backyard birds; a Conservation Salute to the Big Apple; and, are birds real?
On Our Latest Show: A glimmer of hope for a Hawaiian bird; holiday gift book ideas from two experts; and how the pandemic may have benefited some bird species.
On our latest show: a review of The Complete Birds of the World; an Audio Postcard from Australia; and an easy and effective way to clean your bird feeders.
On Our Latest Show: Internationally acclaimed birder and ID Guide author Richard Crossley. Plus, an owl species is split, a roadrunner returns home, and the Whip-poor-will Yodel introduces us to this week’s Featured Feathered Friend.
On our latest show: The underappreciated Anas platyrhynchos; good news for a declining owl species; separating House and Purple finches; and expert advice on buying binoculars and scopes.
On our latest show: an amazing owl discovery in West Africa; rodenticides vs. birds; and the return of Project Feeder Watch.
On our latest show: the healing effects of Ornitherapy; New Zealand’s very unusual Bird-of-the-Year; and European birds changing their migration schedules.
On our latest show: A remarkable California Condor development; bird banding guru Danielle Kaschube; the irrepressible European Starling; and Mike O’Connor explains a few things about Northern Mockingbirds.
On our latest show: The Urban Birder, David Lindo, joins us from southwest Spain; we meet the Horned Lark; and we hear a good news story from the EPA.
On our latest show: The deep-diving Clangula hyemalis; Birdability Week; a new migratory flight record; and mysterious sounds in the night.