Zǐ yuē:`Dìzǐ rù zé xiào, chū zé tì, jǐn ér xìn, fàn ài zhòng, ér qīn rén. Xíng yǒu yúlì, zé yǐ xué wén.'-“Lúnyǔ‧xué ér” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Confucius said, “A youth,when at home,should be filial,and abroad respectful to his elders. He should be earnest and truthful. He should overflow in love to all,and cultivate the friendship of the good. When he has time and opportunity,after the performance of these things,he should employ them in polite studies.”
< Explanation in Simplified> 孔子说:青少年在家要孝顺父母;出外要敬爱兄长;行为谨慎而说话诚实可信,普遍关怀别人并亲近有仁德的人。认真做好这些事,再去努力学习书本上的知识。
< Explanation in Traditional> 孔子說:青少年在家要孝順父母;出外要敬愛兄長;行為謹慎而說話誠實可信,普遍關懷別人並親近有仁德的人。認真做好這些事,再去努力學習書本上的知識。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 ?https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment