Zǐ yuē:`Fù yǔ guì, shì rén zhī suǒ yù yě; yǐ qí dào dé zhī, bù chǔ yě. Pín yǔ jiàn, shì rén zhī suǒ wù yě; qí dào dé zhī, bú qù yě.'-“Lúnyǔ•lǐrén” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Confucius said, “Riches and honors are what men desire. If they cannot be obtained in the proper way,they should not be held. Poverty and meanness are what men dislike. If they cannot be avoided n the proper way, they should not be avoided.”
< Explanation in Simplified> 孔子说:发大财,做大官,这是人人所盼望的;不用正当的方法去得到它,君子是不会接受的。穷困和下贱,这是人人所厌恶的;不用正当的方法去掉它,君子是不会摆脱的。
< Explanation in Traditional> 孔子說:發大財,做大官,這是人人所盼望的;不用正當的方法去得到它,君子是不會接受的。窮困和下賤,這是人人所厭惡的;不用正當的方法去掉它,君子是不會擺脫的。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 ?https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment