zǐ yuē:`Niǎo zhī jiāng sǐ, qí míng yě āi; rén zhī jiāng sǐ, qí yán yě shàn.'-“Lúnyǔ•tài bó” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Confucius said, “When a bird is about to die,its notes are mournful;when a man is about to die,his words are good.”
< Explanation in Simplified> 孔子说:鸟要死了,鸣声是悲哀的;人要死了,说出的话是善意的。
< Explanation in Traditional> 孔子說:鳥要死了,鳴聲是悲哀的;人要死了,說出的話是善意的。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 ?https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment
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