Yòu ér xué, zhuàng ér xíng, shàng zhì jūn, xià zé mín. Yángmíng shēng, xiǎn fùmǔ, guāng yú qián, yù yú hòu. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> When one is young, he should strive to learn more knowledge to enrich his mind, so that when he grows older, he can use his knowledge to serve his country and its people. If one can achieve so, he will make his parents proud: he will be respected by the others, and he will set a good example for his children.
< Explanation in simplified> 年幼的时候要努力学习,长大后则应身体力行,实践所学到的知识,上能为国家做贡献,下能造福百姓。 这样不但自己可以得到大家尊敬,父母也会为我们感到骄傲,更能为家族争光,能让后代子孙学习。
< Explanation in traditional> 年幼的時候要努力學習,長大後則應身體力行,實踐所學到的知識,上能為國家做貢獻,下能造福百姓。 這樣不但自己可以得到大家尊敬,父母也會為我們感到驕傲,更能為家族爭光,能讓後代子孫學習。
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