Táng liúyàn, fāng qī suì, jǔ shéntóng, zuò zhèngzì. Bǐ suī yòu, shēn yǐ shì, ěr yòu xué, miǎn ér zhì. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Liu Yan of the Tang Dynasty was praised as a child prodigy when he was seven years old. He was later appointed as "Zheng Zi Guan" (Corrector of Texts) in charge of proofreading and correcting texts in the Hanlin Academy (the Imperial Academy) by Emperor Xuanzong. Though at a young age, he already had an important official post and was serving his country. One should learn from him. aspire to achieve great things at an early age and strive to realize one's dreams.
< Explanation in simplified> 唐朝的刘晏七岁时就饱读诗书,被称为「神 童」。 他通过了童子科的 考试,做了翰林院 的正字官,负责校对和勘正文字。 刘晏小小年纪就已经担当国家的重任了,这是因为他从小就立下志向,勤奋学习。
< Explanation in traditional> 唐朝的劉晏七歲時就飽讀詩書,被稱為「神 童」。 他通過了童子科的考試,做了翰林院的正字官,負責校對和勘正文字。 劉晏小小年紀就已經擔當國家的重任了,這是因為他從小就立下志向,勤奮學習。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment