--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Cai Wenji of the late Eastern Han Dynasty, from a very young age, was able to tell a good piece of musical instrument by listening to the sound of it. Young Xie Daoyun of the Jin Dynasty could compose verses at tongue tip. In ancient China, women were regarded as vastly inferior to men and did not have the same educational opportunities as men. Now that girls and boys can enjoy equal schooling today, they ought to cherish the opportunity and urge themselves to study hard.
< Explanation in simplified> 东汉末年的蔡文姬,从小便能分辨琴声的好坏。晋朝的谢道继能出口成诗。古时候女孩子没有男孩子拥有的地位,没有上学的机会,但蔡文姬和谢道韫却聪敏而好学。所以今天无论男孩、女孩都应刻苦读书,珍惜大好时光,不断充实自己,才能学有所成。
< Explanation in traditional> 東漢末年的蔡文姬,從小便能分辨琴聲的好壞。晉朝的謝道繼能出口成詩。古時候女孩子沒有男孩子擁有的地位,沒有上學的機會,但蔡文姬和謝道韞卻聰敏而好學。所以今天無論男孩、女孩都應刻苦讀書,珍惜大好時光,不斷充實自己,才能學有所成。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment