Yíng bā suì, néng yǒng shī, mì qī suì, néng fù qí. Bǐ yǐngwù, rén chēngqí, ěr yòu xué, dāng xiào zhī. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Zu Ying of the Northern Qi Dynasty could recite poetries at the age of eight. Li Bi of the Tang Dynasty at seven years of age could write poems on the topic of playing Weiqi (the game of Go). People are amazed at their talent and called them prodigies, but their excellence was more the result of their passion and diligent study. Children should follow these good examples and study hard from a young age.
< Explanation in simplified> 北齐的祖莹八岁就能吟诗,唐朝的李泌七岁时,即以下棋为题作诗赋。他们的聪明才智人人称奇,可他们的「天才」更多是因为喜爱读书、勤奋求学。所以小朋友应当以他们为榜样,从小努力,才能有所成就。
< Explanation in traditional> 北齊的祖瑩八歲就能吟詩,唐朝的李泌七歲時,即以下棋為題作詩賦。他們的聰明才智人人稱奇,可他們的「天才」更多是因為喜愛讀書、勤奮求學。所以小朋友應當以他們為榜樣,從小努力,才能有所成就。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment