Pī pú biān, xuè zhújiǎn, bǐ wú shū, qiě zhī miǎn. Tóu xuánliáng, zhuī cìgǔ, bǐ bú jiào, zì qínkǔ. ------------------------------------------------------------------ < English Translation> Lu Wenshu of the Western Han Dynasty copied the characters From borrowed books on leaves of cattail. Gongsun Hong borrowed the Spring and Autumn Annals and carved the content of the book onto the thin bamboo slips he made. These men could not afford to buy books, but they made a great effort to study, and both of them later became famous scholars. Sun Jing of the Han Dynasty, when studying, tied his hair to a thread which was linked to the beam above him, so as to prevent himself from falling asleep. Su Qin of the Warring States Period pricked his thigh with an awl to awaken himself when he was very tired while reading. These men were not instructed but made a great effort to study of their own accord. Today we are born into much better circumstances, having nicely printed books and bright classrooms; we all should, therefore, study hard.
< Explanation in simplified> 西汉时的路温舒把借来的书抄在蒲草上阅读。公孙弘削竹子做成竹简,把借来的书抄在上面。他们虽然家里穷买不起书,却刻苦自学,后来都成为大学问家,成就一番事业。汉代人孙敬用绳子把头发悬挂在屋梁上,防止自己打瞌睡耽误了学习。战国时的苏秦读书读累了就用锥子刺自己的大腿以提醒自己不能懈怠。他们这样刻苦用功,都是自动自觉的。我们今天能有印制精美的书本和宽敞明亮的教室,如果还不努力就太不应该了。
< Explanation in traditional> 西漢時的路溫舒把借來的書抄在蒲草上閱讀。公孫弘削竹子做成竹簡,把借來的書抄在上面。他們雖然家裡窮買不起書,卻刻苦自學,後來都成為大學問家,成就一番事業。漢代人孫敬用繩子把頭髮懸掛在屋梁上,防止自己打瞌睡耽誤了學習。戰國時的蘇秦讀書讀累了就用錐子刺自己的大腿以提醒自己不能懈怠。他們這樣刻苦用功,都是自動自覺的。我們今天能有印製精美的書本和寬敞明亮的教室,如果還不努力就太不應該了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------