Xí zhòng ní, shī xiàng tuó, gǔ shèngxián, shàng qínxué. Zhàozhōnglìng, dú lǔ lún, bǐ jì shì, xué qiě qín. ------------------------------------------------------------------ < English Translation> Great minds like Confucius were diligent in their studies and often felt unashamed to learn from their subordinates. Confucius once acknowledged Xiang Tuo, a wonder child, as his teacher. Zhao Pu of the Song Dynasty studied the Analects of Confucius day and night. Even after he became Zhong Shu Ling (the head of the secretariat), he still studied diligently. We should learn from them and bear in mind that there is no end to learning.
< Explanation in simplified> 像孔子这样的圣贤,不仅勤奋好学,还能做到不耻下问,拜七岁神童项橐为师。宋朝的赵普好读《论语》,即使后来做到了中书令这样的高官,他也仍然勤奋学习。所以,我们更应该以他们为榜样。人的学问是永无 止境的,我们要以此自勉。
< Explanation in traditional> 像孔子這樣的聖賢,不僅勤奮好學,還能做到不恥下問,拜七歲神童項橐為師。宋朝的趙普好讀《論語》,即使後來做到了中書令這樣的高官,他也仍然勤奮學習。所以,我們更應該以他們為榜樣。人的學問是永無 止境的,我們要以此自勉。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment