Dú shǐ zhě, kǎo shílù, tōng gǔjīn, ruò qīn mù. Kǒu ér sòng, xīn ér wéi, chāo yú sī, xì yú sī. ------------------------------------------------------------------ < English Translation> Whoever reads history should use historical materials as a reference and thereby achieves a full understanding of ancient and modern events, as though having seen them with one's own eyes. When one is reading books, one should read and recite them aloud and ponder over them in one's heart. One should study them day and night, for a good command of knowledge can only be achieved through perseverance.
< Explanation in simplified> 读历史的人,必须要参阅记载史实的资料,如此才能真正通晓古往今来的历史,就如同亲眼目睹一样。而对于我们每一 个读书人来说,读书的时候不仅要大声地诵读,还要用心去思考。不但白天要用功,晚上也要抓紧时间学习,持之以恒才能巩固所学的知识。
< Explanation in traditional> 讀歷史的人,必須要參閱記載史實的資料,如此才能真正通曉古往今來的歷史,就如同親眼目睹一樣。而對於我們每一 個讀書人來說,讀書的時候不僅要大聲地誦讀,還要用心去思考。不但白天要用功,晚上也要抓緊時間學習,持之以恆才能鞏固所學的知識。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------