Yútú guǎng, chāoqián dài, jiǔshí nián, guó zuò fèi. Tài zǔ xīng, guó dàmíng, hào hóngwǔ, dū jīnlíng. Dài chéngzǔ, qiān yàn jīng, shíliù shì, zhì chóngzhēn. Quán yān sì, kòurúlín, lǐ chuǎng chū, shénqì fén. ------------------------------------------------------------------ < English Translation> The Yuan Dynasty established by the Mongol covered a territory larger than any previous dynasties. However, the line of the Yuan only lasted for ninety years and political corruption brought an end to its reign. Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the Yuan and changed the dynastic title into Ming. He became the Taizu (the first emperor) of the Ming Dynasty and entitled himself Hongwu. The capital was Jinling, modern-day Nanjing. When Emperor Chengzu succeeded to the throne, he moved the capital to Yanjing (modern-day Beijing). The Ming Dynasty saw its throne being handed down to sixteen emperors until usurped from the last ruler, Emperor Chongzhen. During his reign, the political power was monopolized by the eunuchs, and the number of gangsters in different provinces grew rapidly. In the end, the leader of the uprising peasants Li Zicheng, who called himself "Chuang Wang" (Dashing King) overthrew the Ming Dynasty.
< Explanation in simplified> 蒙古人建立的元朝疆域之大是前所未有的,但元朝末年政治腐败,因此元朝只传了九十年就被明太祖朱元璋推翻了。朱元璋改国号为明,年号洪武,建都于金陵,即今天的南京。明成祖时将国都迁往燕京,即今天的北京。明朝传了十六代,到崇祯皇帝时结束。明朝之所以灭亡,是由于宦官当道,盗匪四起,最终被自称「闯王」的李自成率起义军推翻。
< Explanation in traditional> 蒙古人建立的元朝疆域之大是前所未有的,但元朝末年政治腐敗,因此元朝只傳了九十年就被明太祖朱元璋推翻了。朱元璋改國號為明,年號洪武,建都於金陵,即今天的南京。明成祖時將國都遷往燕京,即今天的北京。明朝傳了十六代,到崇禎皇帝時結束。明朝之所以滅亡,是由於宦官當道,盗匪四起,最終被自稱「闖王」的李自成率起義軍推翻。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 ? https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment