Dì èrshíwǔ zhāng yǒu wù hǔnchéng, xiān tiāndì shēng. Jì xī liáo xī, dúlì ér bù gǎi, zhōu xíng ér bù dài, kěyǐ wéi tiān de mǔ. Wú bùzhī qí míng, qiáng zì zhī yuē dào, qiáng wéi zhī míng yuē dà. Dà yuē shì, shì yuē yuǎn, yuǎn yuē fǎn. Gùdào dà, tiān dà, dì dà, rén yì dà. Yù zhōng yǒu sì dà, ér rén jū qí yī yān. Rén fǎ de, dì fǎ tiān, tiān fǎ dào, dào fǎ zìrán.
25. Beneath Abstraction There is a mystery, Beneath abstraction, Silent, depthless, Alone, unchanging, Ubiquitous and liquid, The mother of nature. It has no name, but I call it "the Way"; It has no limit, but I call it "limitless".
Being limitless, it flows away forever; Flowing away forever, it returns to myself:
The Way is limitless, So nature is limitless, So the world is limitless, And so I am limitless.
For I am abstracted from the world, The world from nature, Nature from the Way, And the Way from what is beneath abstraction.
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