Sòngqíjì, liáng chén chéng. Wéi náncháo, dū jīnlíng. Běi yuán wèi, fēn dōngxī. Yǔwén zhōu, yǔ gāo qí. Dài zhì suí, yī tǔ yǔ. Bú zài chuán, shī tǒng xù. Táng gāozǔ, qǐyì shī. Chú suí luàn, chuàng guó jī. ------------------------------------------------------------------ < English Translation> After Liu Yu overthrew the Eastern Jin Dynasty. the Southern and Northern Dynasties began. The Southern Dynasties included the dynasties of the four kingdoms, Song, Qi, Liang and Chen. Their capital was in Jinling (today's Nanjing). The Northern Dynasties was the Northern Wei established by Tuoba Gui who implemented Hanization policies and changed his family name into Yuan, hence the Northern Wei is also called Yuan Wei. The Northern Wei dynasty was later divided into the Eastern Wei and the Western Wei. The Western Wei was overthrown by Yuwen Jue who established the Northern Zhou Dynasty. And the Eastern Wei was defeated by Gao Yang who then established the Northern Qi Dynasty. The two dynasties lasted until Yang Jian (also known as Emperor Wen) united the country and established the Sui Dynasty. His son Yang Guang (Emperor Yang) was a dissipated and corruptive tyrant, and he lost the empire to Li Yuan, who led a group of peasant uprising forces to fight against the rule of the Sui Dynasty and seized all the other powers struggling against the reign of Sui. Li later became Emperor Gaozu, the first emperor of the Tang Dynasty
< Explanation in simplified> 刘裕灭了东晋,南北朝就开始了。南方为南朝,先后有宋、齐、 梁陈四代,都定都金陵就是今天的南京。北方拓跋珪建立北魏后施行汉化政策,改姓元,所以北魏又称元魏。后来北魏分裂为东西魏,不久宇文觉募西魏,建立北周,高洋与东魏,建立北齐。直到隋文帝杨坚建立隋朝,才结束南北分裂局面,统一天下。杨坚的儿子隋炀帝杨广荒淫无道,国内动乱频发。后来李渊发动「义师」平定了乱事,建立了唐朝,自己做了皇帝,就是唐高祖。
< Explanation in traditional> 劉裕滅了東晉,南北朝就開始了。南方為南朝,先後有宋、齊、 梁陳四代,都定都金陵就是今天的南京。北方拓跋珪建立北魏後施行漢化政策,改姓元,所以北魏又稱元魏。後來北魏分裂為東西魏,不久宇文覺募西魏,建立北周,高洋與東魏,建立北齊。直到隋文帝楊堅建立隋朝,才結束南北分裂局面,統一天下。楊堅的兒子隋煬帝楊廣荒淫無道,國內動亂頻發。後來李淵發動「義師」平定了亂事,建立了唐朝,自己做了皇帝,就是唐高祖。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 ? https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment