Tāng fā xià, guó hào shāng. Liùbǎi zǎi, zhì zhòu wáng. Zhōu wǔwáng, shǐ zhū zhòu. Bābǎi zǎi, zuì chángjiǔ. Zhōu chè dōng, wáng gāng zhuì. Chěng gāngē, shàng yóushuì. Shǐ chūnqiū, zhōng zhànguó. Wǔ bà qiáng, qīxióng chū. ------------------------------------------------------------------ < English Translation> The last ruler of the Xia Dynasty, Jie, was a cruel tyrant. King Tang defeated him and founded the nation with the dynastic title Shang. The dynasty lasted for six hundred years until the last ruler King Zhou, notorious as a dissipated and unprincipled tyrant, was defeated by King Wu who later founded the Zhou Dynasty. This is the well-known historical event of King Wu on a punitive expedition against the despotic King Zhou. The Zhou Dynasty lasted for eight hundred years, the longest one of all the dynasties in ancient China. The capital of Zhou was later moved eastwards to Luoyang City, and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty began. The political power then started to deteriorate, the laws were violated and the continuing wars among major powers pushed the nation to the verge of collapse. Many peripatetic politicians traveled around to sell their propositions to princes and lords. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty began with the Spring and Autumn Period and ended with the Warring States Period. In the Spring and Autumn Period, there were "Five Chieftains", and in the Warring States Period, there were "Seven Martial States".
< Explanation in simplified> 夏朝的最后一位君王桀暴虐无道,于是汤起而讨伐,建立了商朝,延续了六百多年。后来,周武王联合诸侯讨伐荒淫无道的纣王,建立了周朝,周朝历时八百多年,是我国历史上最长久的王朝。周朝东迁洛阳之后,法度不振,政纲纪律废弛,诸侯混战不断,于是有很多善籍善谋的人纷纷游说诸侯, 宣扬各种主张。东周始于春秋,终于战国,「春秋 五霸」是春秋时期五个霸主,「战国七雄」则是指战国时期国力最强的七个诸侯国。
< Explanation in traditional> 夏朝的最後一位君王桀暴虐無道,於是湯起而討伐,建立了商朝,延續了六百多年。後來,周武王聯合諸侯討伐荒淫無道的紂王,建立了周朝,周朝歷時八百多年,是我國歷史上最長久的王朝。周朝東遷洛陽之後,法度不振,政綱紀律廢弛,諸侯混戰不斷,於是有很多善籍善謀的人紛紛遊說諸侯, 宣揚各種主張。東周始於春秋,終於戰國,「春秋 五霸」是春秋時期五個霸主,「戰國七雄」則是指戰國時期國力最強的七個諸侯國。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 ? https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment