Zì xī nóng, zhì huángdì, hào sān huáng, jū shàng shì. Táng yǒu yú, hào èr dì, xiāng yī xùn, chēng shèngshì. Xiàyǒuyǔ, shāng yǒu tāng, zhōu wǔwáng, chēng sān wáng. Xiàchuánzi, jiā tiānxià, sìbǎi zài, qiān xià shè. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Tu Xi, Shen Nong and the Yellow Emperor are called the "San Huang" (Three Rulers) of the ancient times for their great contributions. Following the Yellow Emperor were Tang Yao and Yu Shun. Yao passed his throne to Shun and Shun to Yu. Under the reign of these three emperors. their country witnessed its heyday of peace and prosperity. The founder of the Xia Dynasty was Yu, the first ruler of the Shang Dynasty was Tang, and King Wen and King Wu were the first two generations of emperors of the Zhou Dynasty Yu in the Xia Dynasty passed his throne to his son Qi. hence started the "Jia Tian Xia" (family possession of the empire) tradition. Xia Dynasty lasted for four hundred years before it was overthrown by Tang.
< Explanation in simplified> 从伏羲、神农到黄帝,这三位上古时代的君主,后人尊称他们为「三皇」。之后又有唐尧虞舜两位贤明皇帝,他们传位时选择贤能之人为自己的接班人,尧传位给舜,舜传位给声,因而造就了太平盛世。夏禹、商汤、周文王和周武王是夏、商、周三 代的开国君主,「三王」指三代的开国者都行王道,使得国泰民安。自从夏禹将王位传给了儿子启,中国从此变成「家天下」,王位传承采取世袭制度。夏朝经历了四百多年,被商朝取代。
< Explanation in traditional> 從伏羲、神農到黃帝,這三位上古時代的君主,後人尊稱他們為「三皇」。之後又有唐堯虞舜兩位賢明皇帝,他們傳位時選擇賢能之人為自己的接班人,堯傳位給舜,舜傳位給声,因而造就了太平盛世。夏禹、商湯、周文王和周武王是夏、商、周三 代的開國君主,「三王」指三代的開國者都行王道,使得國泰民安。自從夏禹將王位傳給了兒子啟,中國從此變成「家天下」,王位傳承採取世襲制度。夏朝經歷了四百多年,被商朝取代。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 ? https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment