------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < English Translation> The "Wu Zi" (Five Chief Philosophers) refers to Xun Zi, Yang Zi. wang Zi, Lao Zi (Lao Tzu) and Zhuang Zi (Chuang Tzu). Their works, generally called "Zi Shu" (Philosophical Classics) are the great cultural treasures of our nation and are well worth reading. When the classics and the philosophers' works are mastered, one can start reading various histories, and the genealogical connections in different dynasties should be examined when doing so. One should also know the reasons behind the rise and fall of a dynasty so as to learn lessons from history
< Explanation in simplified> 「五子」是指荀子、扬子文中子、老子、庄子。他们所写的书,便称为子书。这些思想都是我 们宝贵的文化遗产,值得我们一读。经书和子书读熟了以后,就可以读史书了。读史时必须要考究各朝各代的世系,明白朝代盛衰的原因,才能从历史中记取教训。
< Explanation in traditional> 「五子」是指荀子、揚子文中子、老子、莊子。他們所寫的書,便稱為子書。這些思想都是我 們寶貴的文化遺產,值得我們一讀。經書和子書讀熟了以後,就可以讀史書了。讀史時必須要考究各朝各代的世系,明白朝代盛衰的原因,才能從歷史中記取教訓。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------