Yuē guó fēng, yuē yǎ sòng, hào sì shī, dāng fěng yǒng. Shī jì wáng, chūnqiū zuò, yù bāobiǎn, bié shàn è. Sān zhuàn zhě, yǒu gōng yáng, yǒu zuǒ shì, yǒu gǔ liáng. Jīng jì míng, fāng dú zǐ, cuò qí yào, jì qí shì. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ < English Translation> Shi Jing (Classic of Poetry) consists of four sections, Guo Feng (Airs of the States), Da Ya (Major Odes of the Kingdom), Xiao Ya (Minor Odes of the Kingdom), and Song (Odes of the Temple & Altar), which are together called "Si Shi" (Four Poetries). When the age of Classic of Poetry ended, the Spring and Autumn Annals were compiled by Confucius. The work, in which the author praises the good deeds and condemns the evil ones, mainly focuses on the political activities of the ruling class during the Spring and Autumn Period. Since the text of this book was very simple, a number of commentaries were composed to explain and expand on its meanings, including Commentary of Gongyang, Commentary of Zuo, and Commentary of Guliang. We should familiarize ourselves with these classics before studying the many philosophers' works from the Spring and Autumn Period. The books of the philosophers are mostly rather difficult to study; we can pick out the essentials and memorize the important historical events.
< Explanation in simplified> 《诗经》分为《国风》《大雅》《小雅》《颂》四 个部分,称为「四诗」,我们应当学习诵读。作诗的风气没落之后,孔子写出《春秋》来褒扬善行,贬抑恶行。 「春秋三传」是解释《春秋》的书,有 《公羊传》《左传》和《谷梁传》。这些经传都读熟了之后,才可再读诸子百家的书。诸子的书多而复杂,我们可选取其中对自身德行学问有帮助的精华来读,对于重点历史事件,要记住它的起因和结局。
< Explanation in traditional> 《詩經》分為《國風》《大雅》《小雅》《頌》四個部分,稱為「四詩」,我們應當學習誦讀。作詩的風氣沒落之後,孔子寫出《春秋》來褒揚善行,貶抑惡行。「春秋三傳」是解釋《春秋》的書,有 《公羊傳》《左傳》和《穀梁傳》。這些經傳都讀熟了之後,才可再讀諸子百家的書。諸子的書多而複雜,我們可選取其中對自身德行學問有幫助的精華來讀,對於重點歷史事件,要記住它的起因和結局。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------