Zhì xū jí, shǒu jìng dǔ. Wànwù bìng zuò, wú yǐ guān fù. Fū wù yúnyún, gè fùguī qí gēn. Guīgēn yuē jìng, shì wèi fùmìng. Fùmìng yuē cháng. Zhī cháng yuē míng. Bùzhī cháng, wàng zuò xiōng. Zhī cháng róng, róng nǎigōng, gōngnǎi quán, quán nǎi tiān, tiānnǎi dào, dào nǎi jiǔ. Méi shēn bù dài. 16. Decay and Renewal Empty the self completely; Embrace perfect peace. The world will rise and move; Watch it return to rest. All the flourishing things Will return to their source.
This return is peaceful; It is the flow of nature, An eternal decay and renewal. Accepting this brings enlightenment, Ignoring this brings misery.
Who accepts nature's flow becomes all-cherishing; Being all-cherishing he becomes impartial; Being impartial he becomes magnanimous; Being magnanimous he becomes natural; Being natural he becomes one with the Way; Being one with the Way he becomes immortal: Though his body will decay, the Way will not.
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