Gāo zēngzǔ, fù ér shēn, shēn ér zǐ, zǐ ér sūn. Zì zǐsūn, zhì zēngxuán, nǎi jiǔzú, rén zhī lún. --------------------- < English Translation> From the same forefather, there are nine generations of agnates, constituting the kinships of man. From the top to the bottom, there are great great grandfather, great grandfather, grandfather, father, oneself, son, grandson, great grandson and great great grandson. These nine kindreds are called"Jiu Zu", which represents the concepts of kinship and consanguinity. People within our "Jiu Zu" are related to us by blood.
< Explanation in simplified> 一个家族中如果按辈分排列,由高到低的九代依次是:高祖父、曾祖父、祖父、父亲、己、儿子、孙子、曾孙、玄孙。这九代被称为「九族」。 「九族」代表着家族的长幼次序,九族里的人,是和我们有血缘关系的亲属。
< Explanation in traditional> 一個家族中如果按輩分排列,由高到低的九代依次是:高祖父、曾祖父、祖父、父親、己、兒子、孫子、曾孫、玄孫。這九代被稱為「九族」。 「九族」代表著家族的長幼次序,九族裡的人,是和我們有血緣關係的親屬。
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