Zǐ yuē `zhīzhī zhě bùrú hào zhī zhě, hào zhī zhě bùrú lè zhī zhě.'-“Lúnyǔ·yōngyě” ——————————————————————————————————————— < English Translation> Confucius sayings “They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it.”
< Explanation in simplified> 孔子说:(对于任何学问和事业)懂得它的人不如喜爱它的人,喜爱它的人又不如以它为乐的人。
< Explanation in traditional> 孔子說:(對於任何學問和事業)懂得它的人不如喜愛它的人,喜愛它的人又不如以它為樂的人。
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