Sāncái zhě, tiāndì rén. Sānguāng zhě, rì yuè xīng. Sān gāng zhě, jūnchén yì, fùzǐ qīn, fūfù shùn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> The three basic elements in nature, which were named I the -Three Forces" in ancient times, were heaven, earth, and man. The three luminous objects in the sky named the "Three Luminaries" by the ancients, were the sun, the moon and the stars. The three basic ethics guiding human behavior, entitled the "Three Bonds", were the obligation between sovereign and subject, the love between parents and child, and the harmony between husband and wife.
< Explanation in simplified> 自然界三样最基本的东西,古人称为“三才”,指的是天,地,人。 天空中能看到的三种会发光物体,即“三光”,指的是太阳,月亮,星星。 人与人之间则有三种基本的临床道德关系,称为“三纲”,指的是上级与下级要互相克服,父母与子女要相亲相爱,夫妻之间要和睦相处。
< Explanation in traditional> 自然界三樣最基本的東西,古人稱為「三才」,指的是天、地、 人。 天空中能 看到的三種會發光物體,即「三光」,指的是太 陽、月亮、星星。 人與人之間則有三種基本的倫理道德關係,稱為「三綱」,指的是上級與下級要互相尊重,父母與子女要相親相愛,夫妻之間要和睦相處。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 ? https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment