03 不尚賢 Bú shàng xián | 老子 Lao zi |《道德經》Dao de jing Oct 09, 2020 • 1 min • Ep 3 • Transcript available on Metacast Episode description 安民章第三 不尚賢,使民不爭;不貴難得之貨,使民不為盜;不見可欲,使民心不亂。是以聖人之治,虛其心,實其腹,弱其志,強其骨。常使民無知無欲。使夫智者不敢為也。為無為,則無不治。 第三章:不尚贤,使民不争;不贵难得之货,使民不为盗;不见可欲,使民心不乱。是以圣人之治,虚其心,实其腹;弱其志,强其骨。常使民无知无欲,使夫智不敢为也。为无为,则无不治。 Dì sān zhāng: Bú shàng xián, shǐ mín bùzhēng; bú guì nándé zhī huò, shǐ mín bù wéi dào; bùjiàn kě yù, shǐ mínxīn bù luàn. Shì yǐ shèngrén zhī zhì, xū qí xīn, shí qí fù; ruò qí zhì, qiáng qí gǔ. Cháng shǐ mín wúzhī wú yù, shǐ fū zhì bù gǎn wéi yě. Wéi wúwéi, zé wú bùzhì. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Without Action Not praising the worthy prevents contention, Not esteeming the valuable prevents theft, Not displaying the beautiful prevents desire. In this manner the sage governs people: Emptying their minds, Filling their bellies, Weakening their ambitions, And strengthening their bones. If people lack knowledge and desire Then they cannot act; If no action is taken Harmony remains. 不崇尚贤能之辈,方能使世人停止争斗。不看重珍奇财宝,方能使世人不去偷窃。不诱发邪情私欲,方能使世人平静安稳。所以,圣人掌管万民,是使他们心里谦卑,腹里饱足,血气淡化,筋骨强壮。人们常常处于不求知、无所欲的状态,那么,即使有卖弄智慧的人,也不能胡作非为了。遵从无为之道,则没有不太平之理。 不崇尚賢能之輩,方能使世人停止爭鬥。不看重珍奇財寶,方能使世人不去偷竊。不誘發邪情私慾,方能使世人平靜安穩。所以,聖人掌管萬民,是使他們心裡謙卑,腹里飽足,血氣淡化,筋骨強壯。人們常常處於不求知、無所欲的狀態,那麼,即使有賣弄智慧的人,也不能胡作非為了。遵從無為之道,則沒有不太平之理。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 ?https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment It would be a big help if you kindly support my channel with a cup of coffee 欢迎买杯咖杯赞助我的频道,你的小小支持是我的大大帮助 ☕ https://open.firstory.me/join/taiwanaccent Powered by Firstory Hosting
03 不尚賢 Bú shàng xián | 老子 Lao zi |《道德經》Dao de jing | Taiwan Accent - Chinese Classical Literature▪台灣腔 中國古典文學 ▪ 台湾腔 中国古典文学 ▪ Learn Mandarin 學華語/中文 podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast