< English Translation> Mencius' mother, in order to ensure Ma good environment for her son's upbringing, moved three times, and the last time she moved to a place near a school. Once, Mencius was truant from school, his mother responded to this by taking up a pair of scissors and cutting the cloth she had been weaving for days in front of him. After doing so, she explained to him that one could not stop a task halfway, or he would waste all his previous efforts. Dou Yanshan, a famous historical figure in the period of the Five Dynasties, emphasized the importance of using the right teaching methods for his children, and all of his five sons grew up to achieve great things. We can learn from these stories that environment and teaching methods play important roles in one's upbringing. We, therefore, should value what our parents have created for us.
< Explanation in simplified> 孟母为了孟子能有一个好的成长环境,不辞劳苦搬了三次家,最后搬到一所学校旁边。 有一次孟子下课回家,孟母将快织好的布剪断,告诉他读书就像织布,半途而废就会前功尽弃。 五代时,燕山人窦禹钧教育孩子很讲究方法,他的五个孩都很都有成就。 可见一个人的成长离不开良好的教育环境和方法。我们要珍惜父母为我们创造的环境,好好努力。